Michael DeLeon

Hansen School District is pleased to partner with the St. Luke's Community Health Improvement Fund to host Michael DeLeon from Steered Straight to speak to students, staff, and community members on December 11, 2023. The Steered Straight website states, "Steered Straight is a 17-year proven program that does not explain drug prevention at school assemblies but TEACHES the reality of drugs and devises a prevention message the students implement within their school system."

The folks at Steered Straight believe strongly in the proverb, "It takes a village to raise a child." They believe it is more vital than ever that parents, teachers, administrators, law enforcement, first responders, and members of every community work to salvage future generations.

Also, from the website, Our goal is to create a strong village in each community we touch by delivering our message and educating parents, teachers, school administrators and staff, police officers, churches, and other community groups who have a vested interest in seeing that our youth today grow up to be strong, healthy, and responsible citizens. We deliver a message that will help children, especially teenagers, to:

  • Questions their assumptions about bullying, gangs, drug use, and crime;
  • Analyze the social norms of their peers around them;
  • Develop a self-paradigm to live by rather than the social mirror that so many of them use to gauge their direction and
  • Learn to rationally and intelligently make the right life choices.

Hansen School District invites parents and community members to attend the evening presentation in the elementary gym from 5:30 to 7:00. Mark your calendar for this life-changing event!